Alex Schultz

Alex Schultz

Switching from Raw Remark to Unified ecosystem

Better Styling Blog Styling

Overall Approach

As mentioned last week, my goal this week is to get the blog to play nicely with Tailwind, which means figuring out how I can apply Tailwind's utility classes to the html generated from the markdown files that make up each blog post.

As it turns out, it's fairly straightforward, we just need change the code in lib/getPostData.ts to change from using remark to using the unified ecosystem and some pre-existing rehype plugins.

Switching From Remark To Unified

The first step is changing from Remark html to the Unified ecosystem and changing how we parse the markdown.

  1. Install unified, remark-parse, remark-rehype, rehype-format and rehype-stringify using NPM or Yarn.
  2. Change the getPostData function to use the unified ecosystem, and chain each plugin, then end with a process of the content that we retrieved from the Markdown blog post.
  3. Install the rehype-add-classes plugin Rehype Add Classes
  4. Create an object that maps the html elements to css classes, and add a final use, passing the rehype-add-classes plugin and the object to the call
  5. Update the purge option in tailwind.config.js to look in lib/posts.ts for Tailwind classes that are being used
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